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The Power of Inspiration

No one knows the power of inspiration. This is something i heard from my coach. It hit me, you know what? that there is a wonder woman in every single women, waiting to be found. You read that right 'Waiting', waiting for approval, waiting for acknowledgement, waiting for the right time. Why do we wait when we know we are not immortal, we don't know what is waiting for us tomorrow or even if there is a tomorrow.

The time is now, thats the power of now. I am a mom of 2 boys under 3year old, Left my 9 to 5 two years ago to make my passion into my business. As a middle child I have always wanted to do things differently and on my own terms.

Even though i am a magazine style portrait photographer I want to offer my clients an ever lasting experience. Something only i could offer them and this is where the underwater photography dream came from.

I absolutely love the way the hair and fabric moves underwater, but it isn't as easy as it looks. An underwater portrait comprises of a working closely with the individual, a lot of direction and a lot of post production (editing).

I put a gofundme up last weekend all pumped up to let my audience know what my big plans are. Iv also put up a kickstarer campaign. I am the 1st American - Pakistani female underwater photographer.

This is my journey and you are a part of it now. All of those reading and those who already have or are going to contribute to this journey.

My session fee / reservation fee would be $290 but if you contribute today through my kickstrater or gofundme campaigns you would not only be contributing to my campaign but get a chance to come in for a session of your own. (one of my rewards stated)

I want to inspire those who dream big but are stopping themselves, i want to inspire those who work a 9 to 5 and hate every minute of it, i want to inspire women and tell them they can achieve anything they set their hearts to.

“I am inspired by leaders who dare to dream and have the grit, resilience and determination to see those dreams through, regardless of the many times they fall down along the way"Jacqueline Novogratz

I feel like im on a rocket ship ready to launch. I need a little love from you on either of the 2 links provided here.

“You can do this I have no doubt"


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