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Hot Mama Makeover is Here!

Earlier this week Emmanuel and I sent you an email about the Hot Mommy Makeover program that starts up the week after Thanksgiving and about the 9 boosts of beauty from incorporating fitness.

Did you get to read it? 

Well, I have to say, I am very excited because I have never done something like this before and the spots are filling up quickly!

We started with 14 available spots and already filled up 9 of those spots. That means only 5 more spots are open. I’m totally stoked because I am going to have not only my team, but a good amount of my clients working out with me on Monday!

Who could have asked for anything better? I love my job!!!

Get in on the fun! If you want in, be sure to  CLICK HERE and reserve your spot now, or call Emmanuel’s team at 202.888.7221 and let them know you want in. You can also email if you prefer that method...

Remember, this is exclusive only for us and only for this week so get in while you still have the chance : )

In case you didn't see the last email here it is so you know what I am talking about:


- - In Health,

Enjoy the True Luxury Of Being Fit

Body Sculpting By Emmanuel, LLC

1630 14th st NW

Washington, DC 20009

O. 202.888.7221


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